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My kids teach me as much as I teach them.❤️


I had an interesting experience this week that really made me think. My eldest daughter wanted to buy these adventure letters that come twice a month in your mail and they tell a story over the course of a year. She adores mail and I looked into it with her. It was pricy and I asked her if she had looked into one of the bigger companies as maybe it would be less money or, at the very least, we would be able to get our money back if the letters never came. She said "Mom, it's a small business with a husband and wife who write the letters.

They are trying to grow their business just the same as you. Shouldn't we trust them?" | felt slightly ashamed and saddened that I was distrusting and I had immediately turned to a huge multi billion/trillion dollar company for comfort. I'm not putting down big business, by any means. Please don't misjudge me. I just realized, at that moment, that it's hard to trust what you don't know or who you don't know. We have a small business called Cotton Cupcakes. You don't really know us yet but as time goes by, you will, and you will know that you can trust us. And maybe you will need to take a moment, just like me, and trust a small company when the opportunity presents itself. (We did buy the adventure letters, but the way, and they started coming immediately. They are wonderful.)

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