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  • Where do we ship our products?
    We ship all over the world!
  • Should I get a CBB shirt, a CAL shirt or a CAM shirt and what do these abbreviations mean?
    CBB stands for the Cupcakes Before Breakfast series. These shirts are form fitting and light weight. CAL stands for Cupcakes After Lunch. These shirts offer a different style. They are a relaxed fit shirt and slightly thicker than the CBB style. CAM shirts are Cupcakes After Midnight tees. They are a soft, lightweight, cropped tee. Basically, we just give fun names to represent the varying styles that we offer.
  • How long will it take to receive my package?
    We ship via the USPS so you can track your package to see what your delivery date will be.
  • Are your styles offered to both men and women?
    If men love our styles and they want our designs, I will absolutely put them on the website. I do offer mens' shirts at all of our tent events but so far, women seem more inclined to wear dessert. Men have told me they would prefer shirts with meat on them, which I totally understand as my husband is a foodie and he loves his meat tees! But again, if I have guys out there that want to wear the Root Beer Float Before Bed, for example, just send me a message and I will make it happen for you, gladly!
  • Are your styles offered for both boys and girls?
    Yes! We do have a Kids Relaxed Fit category and just because you see a little girl as a model or a little boy, we would hope that you would know that the shirt is meant for any child, regardless of gender. My daughter loves every color, one day she wears pink, the next she day she is in black. We encourage all colors for all kiddos.
  • Who designs the CC tees?
    I do! My name is Nikki Wooster-Goodwin. I am a graphic designer, a mom, a wife and a business owner, the very proud owner of Cotton Cupcakes. I paint all of the images that you wear and I'm so honored that you chose one of my designs. How do I paint them??? I paint them on a sheet of card stock paper. I photograph my work and send my images to transfer companies that place my work on long roles called gang sheets. I then cut the images off of the roles and press them with my commercial heat press. I do the same thing with the neck labels that you see in each garment that I label.
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